Stories of ordinary people experiencing extraordinary wealth
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Does buying more lottery tickets improve your odds of winning?
We all know that winning the jackpot prize in any major lottery draw game—such as Powerball or Mega Millions—is a long shot. But that doesn’t keep lottery fans (like me!) from wondering about...
Powerball is one of America's favorite lottery games. It offers staggering jackpots that capture the imagination of anyone who daydreams of instant wealth. But as thrilling as the prospect of...
Is winning the lottery skill or luck? Here’s what the experts say
The exhilarating rush of purchasing a lottery ticket and dreaming of the potential windfall is a universal phenomenon. Many hopeful participants play the lottery with the conviction that they have a...
Bad luck can come in many forms. We often think of it as being a sudden illness, a tragic accident, or losing a job. However, for lottery winner Jack Whittaker, bad luck came in the form of winning a...
Lottery winner survives plane crash and wins $1 million all in the same week
Lots of people call lottery winner Mohammad Basheer Abdul Khadar one of the luckiest people on the planet. After all, he won a jackpot prize that made him very wealthy. But that’s not the half...
Loretta Lynn’s Cinderella story: From Coal Miner’s Daughter to millionaire country music icon
“…And now over 50 years after she cut her first record… Loretta Lynn still reigns as the rule-breaking, record-setting queen of country music.” President Barack Obama said as he awarded the...